Friday, January 23, 2009

Inky Polaroid

Ah, my posting rate has slowed down again. So here is a random snapshot of this moment in time, an 'Inky Polaroid' as someone once called it.

It's raining outside. The windows have misted up on the inside, with baby clothes drying on the radiators. I am typing one-handed with Hugh feeding on my left side. I am wondering if I can get away with machine-washing a coat that says 'Dry Clean Only'.

I ate left-over Quorn chilli for lunch - for the third day in a row, but this I do not mind. I like to see things getting 'used up', as my mother's phrase goes; (she doesn't read the paper, she 'gets the paper read').

Hugh has rolled his sleepy wee head into the crook of my elbow and his mouth is still making tiny fish flutters into the air. It's just gone 3pm and I can hear school kids shouting in the distance. My carbohydrate craving for Earl Grey tea and decent scone-age is upon me. Should I get the wee man into the pram and hit the pavements?


PS The Christmas tree in the flat opposite is now gone. Oh the relief!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the mum's group - I'm still in grateful touch with folk from Douglas' time as a small person. He's now 6ft 3ins and just turned 19 - it's worth the effort even if you disagree over child-rearing methods, you can rely on them to understand the stage you're at and sympathise!!!

nmj said...

Don't you dare put that coat in the washing machine, missy! I understand the temptation, honestly, but it's not worth the inevitable tragic outcome.