Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Scottish Hotel Biscuit Challenge

I launch it here and now:- the Scottish hotel biscuit challenge. I can't believe how many times I've gone into a rural hotel, mid afternoon in Scotland and ordered a cup of tea. I'll pause politely, then ask if they have biscuits, or scones or 'anything like that.' They can usually do tea (often with uht milk from a plastic thimble) but the biscuit part leaves them with a blank or mildly disapproving expression. It's as if I'm asking for a cup of tea and some class A drugs please. Eye rolling and intake of breath ensue. You're a HOTEL, for god's sake; not a fishing tackle shop or a sawdust and spit bar. Sort it out.

Apart from that, I'm still on holiday enjoying the nature-fest and conversations with friendly locals. People I meet after 20 years away say, 'you still look the same,' which is nice. They've forgotten the Madonna 80's perm then.


1 comment:

Ciara said...

Hi O,

I missed it but it sounded a worthy topic for investigation.
To think I used to be embarrassed of my straight hair...
